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CQC Inspections

Jan 31, 2021

CQC Inspections

I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I want to express a huge thank you for your incredible hard work and dedication. Your commitment to providing excellent care to our patients doesn't go unnoticed, and we truly appreciate everything you do.


I want to bring to your attention the likelihood of a CQC (Care Quality Commission) inspection in the coming months. While the inspection process has seen some significant changes, the core principles remain the same. These five key principles focus on ensuring a safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led service.


It's essential that you log into our online portal, Atlas, and take some time to familiarise yourself with the company and industry-specific policies. Once you've read these policies, please sign them electronically. This ensures we're all on the same page and up-to-date with the necessary protocols.


Now, there are some major changes in the new inspection framework. We're now using "I statements" to reflect what matters most to the people we serve. Your experiences with our service users are incredibly valuable, and we want to use that feedback to make their experiences even more special.


Additionally, there's a new category focusing on people's experiences so please utilise the Care Planner App to share your experience.and help us improve and make the care experience better for everyone.


Quality Statements. These are commitments that all of us—providers, commissioners, and leaders—need to uphold. They're like promises, expressed as 'we statements,' showing what's necessary to deliver top-notch, person-centred care. These statements directly tie into the regulations and the five core principles we follow to ensure exceptional service.


What can you do to help? Reach out to your manager and share any positive experiences or compliments, Enter you daily activities, compliments and complaints into the Care Planner App. Equally, if there are areas where we or our partners can improve to make the service users' experience better, please let us know.


Your dedication to providing outstanding care is what makes our team exceptional. Thank you for your continued efforts. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to ask your manager or reach out to us directly.

Email:                  Tel: 07488 237 675

09 Jan, 2024
In the world of caregiving, a commitment to ongoing education and training isn't just a box to tick—it's a vital cornerstone that fortifies the quality of care and guarantees safety for both the client and the caregiver. As caregivers, our dedication to continuous learning isn't merely a duty; it's a pledge to uphold the highest standards of service and safeguard the wellbeing of those we serve and ourselves.
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